Water Conservation

Water Conservation Alert Status Green Increased


The current water conservation alert status is:

Stage 2 - (Green) Increased Conservation.  

During a Stage 2, the District shall encourage a reduction in water deliveries from the District to the District's customers.

In addition to the prohibited uses of water in Stage 1  of the Water Shortage Contingency Plan, the Board may restrict the following:

Watering Days:  Outdoor water use is limited to odd or even days, based on ending number of customer address.

No installation of Single Pass Cooling Systems:  Installation of single pass cooling systems is prohibited in buildings requesting new water service.

No Installation of Non-Recirculating in Commercial Car Wash and Laundry Systems:  Installation of non-recirculating water systems is prohibited in new commercial conveyor car wash and new commercial laundry systems.

Commercial Car Wash Systems:  Effective on July 1, 2009, all commercial conveyor car wash systems must have installed operational re-circulating water systems, or must have secured a waiver of this requirement from their local water purveyor.

To learn more, please CLICK HERE for the District's Conservation Plan.  To address any questions or issues regarding conservation, please email conserve@fmwd.com.



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You can help conserve water

We hope that you will be able to assist us in our efforts to conserve water and ensure adequate supply for all of our residents.