Capital Improvements


Capital Improvements Overview:

While first incorporated in 1952, Foothill Municipal Water District (FMWD or District) did not complete the necessary infrastructure to connect to the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (MWD) until 1954.  With most of the current distribution system showing signs of age, extensive rehabilitation and improvement to the system is required to continue meeting demands for imported water.  The goal of the District’s Capital Improvement Program (CIP) is to fulfill the FMWD mission statement and provide water service reliability to its member agencies during normal conditions, droughts and emergencies.


Planning and scheduling repairs before a failure occurs is more cost-effective than paying for the damage on an emergency basis. 

Additionally, FMWD continues to explore other opportunities for supply reliability such as through the development of recycled water, capture of stormwater and construction of emergency interconnections with other agencies. 


Primary Facilities & Water System:

FMWD owns and maintains service connections, two pump stations, approximately 10 miles of transmission mains, ranging in size from 24 inch to 39 inch, and six storage tanks (two located in each pressure zone) with a total storage capacity of 6.8 million gallons. 


FMWD takes water from Metropolitan’s Upper Feeder at a service connection located near the Rose Bowl.  At that location, the purchased water flows by gravity through FMWD’s 39-inch Arroyo Seco Main and terminates at the District’s Main Pump Station. The Main Pump Station consists of two banks (East Bank and West Bank) of vertical turbine pumping units (boosters). There is no treatment chemical used or stored within the facilities or distribution system.

The East Bank consists of pumps ranging in size from 100 HP to 350 HP. With a total capacity to pump up to 13.0 MGD (20.2 cfs), these boosters push water into the Altadena Force Main which delivers water to the Altadena Reservoir pressure zone. The East Bank pumps serve the Las Flores Water Company, Lincoln Avenue Water Company and Rubio Cañon Land & Water Association.


The West Bank consists of five pumps ranging in size from 125 HP to 350 HP. With a total capacity to pump 20.1 MGD (31.2 cfs), the West Bank pumps push water into the 30” Westside Force Main to a junction (TEE) with the 24-inch La Cañada Lateral and the 24” Berkshire Boost Station Lateral. The La Cañada Lateral terminates at the La Cañada Reservoirs. The La Cañada Reservoirs serve water to the La Cañada Irrigation District, Liberty Utilities, Valley Water Company & the District’s Berkshire Pumping Station.


The Berkshire Pump Station consists of four 300 HP vertical turbine pumps with a total capacity of 9.8 MGD (15.2 cfs). The Berkshire Pump Station pumps water through the 24-inch La Crescenta Force Main into the La Crescenta Reservoir pressure zone. The Berkshire Pump Station serves water typically to the Crescenta Valley Water District and La Cañada Irrigation District. During unusual situations, the Berkshire Pump Station is able to deliver water to the Valley Water Company. 




You can help conserve water

We hope that you will be able to assist us in our efforts to conserve water and ensure adequate supply for all of our residents.